Infographic: Iraqi Resistance Groups Operations Against the US in 2021

Saturday 1 January 2022 - 20:44

Statistics of drone, rocket and IED attacks against the US bases, positions and interests in Iraq in 2021.

In 2021, Iraqi resistance groups carried out 262 IED, drone and rocket attacks against positions, logistical and military convoys of the American occupiers in Iraq, the details of which are as follows:

Statistics of attacks in different provinces:
Babil province: 60 attacks
Qadisiyah province: 52 attacks
Bagdad province: 41 attacks
Dhi Qar province: 32 attacks
Anbar province: 26 attacks
Salah al-Din province: 18 attacks
Muthanna province: 15 attacks
Basra province: 12 attacks
Erbil province: 6 attacks

Details of attacks in different parts of Iraq:

1- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Sharqat area by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-01-01

2- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Dujial by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-05

3- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel province by Karim Dara’m group. Date: 2021-01-05

4- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Baghdad’s Yusufiyah and Samawah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-08

5- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Naseriyah and Hillah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-09

6- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Naseriyah and Samawah and Diwaniyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-18

7- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Baghdad’s Yusufiyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-20

8- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Samawah and Abu Ghurayb. Date: 2021-01-21

9- Five IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Naseriyah, Abu Ghurayb, Diwaniyah, Babel and Tikrit by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-01-22

10- Rocket attacks on Victory Camp. Date: 2021-01-23

11- IED attack on the US logistical convoy on Naseriyah-Basrah road by Saraya Olia al-Dam group. Date: 2021-01-25

12- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys on Naseriyah and Samarra. Date: 2021-01-26

13- Rocket attacks on Victory Camp. Date: 2021-01-28

14- IED attack on the US logistical convoy near Jarishan crossing. Date: 2021-01-28

15- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-01-30

16- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel. Date: 2021-01-31

17- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-02-06

18- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Samarra. Date: 2021-02-07

19- IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah and Yusufiyah. Date: 2021-02-08

20- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Yusufiyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-02-10

21- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Latifiyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-02-11

22- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Samawah. Date: 2021-02-12

23- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Yusufiyah. Date: 2021-02-15

24- Rocket attack on Erbil Airport. Date: 2021-02-15

25- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Naseriyah by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-02-17

26- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah. Date: 2021-02-18

27- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Naseriyah. Date: 2021-02-19

28- Rocket attacks on Balad Airbase. Date: 2021-02-20

29- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel. Date: 2021-02-25

30- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-02-27

31- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-03-02

32- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Samawah, Diwaniyah and Abu Ghurayb. Date: 2021-03-03

33- Rocket attacks on Ain al-Asad Airbase by Liwa al-Khaybar group. Date: 2021-03-03

34- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Samawah, Anbar and Basra-Naseriyah road. Date: 2021-03-11

35- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-03-13

36- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babel and Basrah. Date: 2021-03-15

37- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Anbar and Babel. Date: 2021-03-18

38- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Salah ad Din province. Date: 2021-03-20

39- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babel by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-03-21

40- Five IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Dhi Qar, Baghdad, Babel. Date: 2021-03-25

41- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Dhi Qar, Babel. Date: 2021-03-29

42- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Salah ad Din, Dhi Qar, Babel. Date: 2021-03-30

43- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Baghdad and Babel. Date: 2021-04-01

44- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-04-04

45- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Baghdad, Babel. Date: 2021-04-05

46- Five IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Salah ad Din, Anbar, Babel. Date: 2021-04-07

47- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babel by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-04-08

48- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Salah ad Din. Date: 2021-04-11

49- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Samawah. Date: 2021-04-13

50- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Naseriyah, Diwanyah, Hillah and Erbil. Date: 2021-04-14

51- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Baghdad and Anbar by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-04-15

52- Rocket attack on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-04-15

53- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Naseriyah. Date: 2021-04-17

54- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babel by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-04-22

55- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar. Date: 2021-04-25

56- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Basra, Diwanyah, Dhi Qar and Anbar. Date: 2021-04-27

57- Drone attack on Balad Airbase. Date: 2021-04-28

58- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Anbar and Baghdad. Date: 2021-05-02

59- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Samawah and Hillah. Date: 2021-05-02

60- Rocket attacks on Balad Airbase. Date: 2021-05-03

61- Rocket attacks on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-05-04

62- IED attack on the US logistical convoy near Jarishan crossing by Katibat al-Sabequn. Date: 2021-05-04

63- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar. Date: 2021-05-06

64- Rocket attacks on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-05-08

65- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar. Date: 2021-05-10

66- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah and Hillah. Date: 2021-05-11

67- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar. Date: 2021-05-13

68- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Naseriyah. Date: 2021-05-14

69- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah and Naseriyah. Date: 2021-05-18

70- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Hillah and Naseriyah. Date: 2021-05-23

71- Rocket attacks on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-05-24

72- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah. Date: 2021-05-25

73- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Samawah. Date: 2021-05-27

74- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Naseriyah. Date: 2021-06-03

75- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Baghdad. Date: 2021-06-04

76- Rocket attacks on Victory Camp. Date: 2021-06-05

77- Drone attack on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-06-06

78- Rocket attacks on Balad Airbase. Date: 2021-06-09

79- Drone attack on Victory Camp. Date: 2021-06-10

80- Five IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Salah ad Din, Muthanna, Babel, Dhi Qar Diwaniyah. Date: 2021-06-13

81- Drone attack on Victory Camp. Date: 2021-06-14

82- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Baghdad. Date: 2021-06-15

83- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar by International Resistance Faction group. Date: 2021-06-16

84- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Diwaniyah. Date: 2021-06-17

85- Rocket attack on Ain al-Asad Airbase. Date: 2021-06-20

86- Drone attack on north of Erbil. Date: 2021-06-26

87- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Diwaniyah, Babel, Baghdad and Salah al-Din. Date: 2021-06-26

88- Two IED attacks on US logistical convoys in Babil and Salah al-Din by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-07-02

89- IED attack on the US logistical convoy on the outskirts of al-Taji Camp in Baghdad province. Date: 2021-07-04

90- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Baghdad province and rocket attack on Ain Al Asad Airbase in Anbar province using eight 107 mm rockets. Date: 2021-07-05

91- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar, Anbar and Qadisiyah provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin group and drone attack on Tawhid base at the US Embassy in the Green Zone of Baghdad. Date: 2021-07-06

92- Combined rocket and drone strikes on US base at Erbil Airport using 20 rockets and three suicide drones, rocket attack on Ain Al Asad Airbase in Anbar province by Thar al-Mohandes group. Date: 2021-07-07

93- Rocket attack on US embassy in Baghdad, IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Basra province. Date: 2021-07-08

94- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar province. Date: 2021-07-10

95- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Basra province by Oliya al-Dam group. Date: 2021-07-11

96- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the provinces of Qadisiyah and Babil by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-07-12

97- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Dhi Qar province. Date: 2021-07-15

98- Drone strike on US al-Harir Airbase, northeast of Erbil, by Liwa al-Thaireen group. Date: 2021-07-24

99- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the provinces of Babil, Dhi Qar and Qadisiyah by Qasim al-Jabbarin and Ashab al-Kahf groups. Date: 2021-07-29

100- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-07-30

101- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Qadisiyah and Babil provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin. Date: 2021-08-01

102- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Dhi Qar province by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-08-04

103- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah and Babil provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-08-05

104- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar, Baghdad and Babil provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-08-08

105- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-08-10

106- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-08-12

107- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in al-Mashhadah and Yusufiya districts of Baghdad by the Saraya al-Thawra al-Ashrin al-Thaniyah group. Date: 2021-08-13

108- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar and Baghdad provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-08-16

109- Seven IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar, Salah al-Din, Qadisiyah, Babil, Muthanna, Baghdad and Anbar provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin and Ashab al-Kahf groups. Date: 2021-08-17

110- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province by Ashab Al-Kahf goup. Date: 2021-08-18

111- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Salah al-Din province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-08-19

112- Eight IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar, Muthanna, Qadisiyah, Babil and Baghdad provinces by Qasim al-Jabbarin group and other groups. Date: 2021-08-24

113- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province. Date: 2021-08-25

114- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Basra province. Date: 2021-08-28

115- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-08-31

116- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-09-01

117- IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Qadisiyah and Babil provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-09-04

118- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-09-06

119- Attack on US military base at Erbil Airport by three suicide drones. Date: 2021-09-11

120- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the provinces of Baghdad, Qadisiyah and Muthanna by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-09-12

121- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-09-22

122- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the city of Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar province by the Saraya Olia al-Dam group. Date: 2021-09-25

123- IED attack on the US logistical convoy at the Jarishan border crossing in Basra province. Date: 2021-10-13

124- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the city of Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar province. Date: 2021-10-19

125- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-10-21

126- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the city of Hillah in the province of Babil by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-10-22

127- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the al-Mashhadah area in Baghdad province. Date: 2021-10-28

128-Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the province of Babel and the province of Qadisiyah by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-11-07

129- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in the city of Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar province by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-11-19

130- IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babil and Qadisiyah provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-11-21

131- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Baghdad. Date: 2021-11-22

132- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in al-Lahis area in the Basra province by Saraya Olia al-Dam group. Date: 2021-11-25

133-Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Dhi Qar and Babil provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-11-27

134- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the provinces of Babil and Qadisiyah by Ashab al-Kahf group and another convoy in the city of Samawah in the province of Muthanna by Thar al-Mohandes group. Date: 2021-11-28

135- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Babil province. Date: 2021-11-30

136- IED attack on the US logistical convoy convoy in Qadisiyah province. Date: 2021-12-05

137- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babil and Qadisiyah provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-12-09

138- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province by Qasem Al-Jabbarin group. Date: 2021-12-12

139- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province. Date: 2021-12-14

140- Two IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babil and Qadisiyah provinces by Ashab Al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-12-16

141- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar province by Katibat al-Sabequn group. Date: 2021-12-19

142- Three IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Basra, Qadisiyah and Babil provinces by Liwa Khaybar and Ashab Al-Kahf and other groups. Date: 2021-12-21

143- Four IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the provinces of Muthanna, Baghdad and Babil by Ashab al-Kahf and other groups. Date: 2021-12-22

144- IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in Babil province. Date: 2021-12-23

145- Six IED attacks on the US logistical convoys in the provinces of Babil, Qadisiyah, Anbar and Baghdad by the groups of Ashab al-Kahf, Katibah al-Sabequn, Kataib Abu al-Fazl al-Abbas and Qasim al-Jabbarin. Date: 2021-12-26

146- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province. Date: 2021-12-27

147- IED attack on the US logistical convoy in Anbar province by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-12-29

148- Attack on US logistical convoy by RPG9 in Nasiriyah area of Dhi Qar province by Ashab al-Kahf group. Date: 2021-12-31

Read more:
Infographic: Iraqi Resistance Groups
Infographic: Iraqi Resistance Groups Operations against the US in the first six months of 2021

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