Latest Military Developments Of Gaza And Palestine, 31 October 2023 (Map)

Tuesday 31 October 2023 - 23:24

On the 25th day of fighting in Palestine, clashes between Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces continued in all the northern lines of the Gaza Strip. This morning, the Israeli occupying forces launched attacks in the west of Beit Lahia with the aim of advancing in Al-Toam neighborhood. According to the information provided by al-Qassam Brigades, the resistance fighters repelled the attacks in this area and three Israeli military vehicles were also targeted using “Yasin” rockets in the course of battles.

In the Beit Hanoun axis, the situation of front lines has not changed, and the Israeli forces have control over the border lines north of Gaza in the north of Beit Hanoun and around the Erez crossing.

Direction of clashes in the al-Toam area – click to view full size map

In the southern axis of Gaza City and Juhr al-Dik area, scattered clashes between Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces continue. After Israel’s advances in this axis yesterday, there was no special advance today. It seems that the Israeli army advances has stopped for the time being in the south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood. According to the information provided from inside Gaza, during today’s battles in Juhar al-Dik area, Israeli forces were ambushed by resistance forces and two battle tanks were destroyed by Palestinian fighters.

Also, according to the Israeli army, today two members of the elite unit of the Israeli army were killed in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Other lines in the south of the Gaza Strip also passed an almost peaceful day and no special conflict was observed in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Bombardment of various areas of Gaza by the fighter jets and artillery of the Israeli regime continues. Today, the Israeli regime killed hundreds of civilians, women and children during a brutal attack on the Jabalia refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip. According to preliminary information, at least 400 civilians were martyred and injured in this attack. Jabalia area is the most populated refugee camp in Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that the number of martyrs in Gaza has increased to more than 8,485 and the number of injured has reached more than 21,000. In the West Bank, at least 125 Palestinians were martyred and more than 2,050 others were injured.

On the northern front, missile attacks and artillery duels continue between Hezbollah and Israel. In one of these attacks, Hezbollah attacked the Israeli army’s infantry force near Al-Jardah on the border of Al-Zahira area. It is said that a number of Israeli forces were killed or wounded in this attack. Also, a Merkava tank of the Zionist regime was targeted by a guided missile near the Branit outpost in the east of Netua.

Another important event today was the Yemeni army’s missile and drone attack against the positions of the Israeli regime in the south of occupied Palestine. This morning, the Israeli media reported the interception and destruction of several missile near the south of occupied Palestine and in the Eilat area by the Israeli air defense systems and fighter jets. Hours later, Yahya al-Sari’, the spokesman of the Yemen Armed Forces, took responsibility for the missile and drone attacks on the occupied territories in a video statement. According to Yahya al-Sari, today’s attack was the third round of missile and drone attacks by the Yemeni army against the Israeli regime in recent days. In this way and with the publication of this statement, the Yemeni army and popular committees officially entered the war with the Israeli regime.

Read more: Latest Military Developments Of Gaza And Palestine, 30 October 2023

Latest military situation in the north of the Gaza Strip – click to view full size map
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