First Official Talks Between SDF and Al-Julani

A delegation from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) met with Abu Muhammad al-Julani, the leader of the Tahrir al-Sham and the Syrian Transitional Government, in Damascus on Monday.
The discussions during this meeting primarily focused on military and security issues. The SDF delegation and al-Julani addressed topics such as the future of northern Syria, security interaction between the SDF and the Syrian transitional government, and areas under Kurdish control in Aleppo.
Media outlets associated with the SDF characterized the meeting as positive, indicating that such discussions are expected to increase in the coming weeks.
This marked the first meeting between SDF forces and al-Julani in Damascus. Based on al-Julani’s recent statements, it appears he aims to integrate the Syrian Democratic Forces into the Syrian Ministry of Defense through negotiations. This effort is intended to prevent arbitrary actions, take control of the Kurdish forces, and resolve conflicts in northern Syria.