Who is Commander Alipour?

Author: ISWNews
Tuesday 27 November 2018 - 07:59

In recent battles in Jaghuri, Malestan and Urozgan, Alipour fought side by side the security forces against Taliban and explicitly claimed to support the Government but unfortunately…

Commander Alipour famous as “Sword” is one of old commanders of Hazareh (central region of Afghanistan).

Hazareh people submitted all their weapon after Taliban was defeated and central Government and NATO promised to provide safety and security.
After a while Taliban gained power and central Government and NATO were incapable of providing safety (deliberately or not), brave commanders such as Alipour and Shojaie and… got armed to defend their people against Taliban and ISIS.

A few years ago a confrontation between Paki Pashtoon nomads (they spend winter in Pakistan and summer in Afghanistan) and Shiite people of Behsud and Hazareh happened and Alipour helped people to defend themselves.
His fault was to fight against Paki Pashtoons…

Alipour in numerous videos claimed his support for central Government and considered himself as a supporter of Government and enemy of Taliban and ISIS and is ready to put down his weapon if the Government provides safety for Hazareh and central regions roads.

But Government considers him an irresponsible militia and tried several times to arrest him.

In an attempt to arrest him about two months ago in Ghor province, several people were killed and injured and caused severe negative reaction toward Government.

In recent battles in Jaghuri, Malestan and Urozgan, Alipour fought side by side the security forces against Taliban and explicitly claimed to support the Government but unfortunately the Government arrested him with plot.

It is while Taliban leaders are set free from prison and criminals such as Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who is fighting the Government for years and is responsible for several suicidal and sabotage attacks are free to go to Kabul and have share in power.

Nevertheless, Hazareh people are mad at this tribe discrimination and believe the Government acts in favor of Pashtoons and suppresses other tribes.

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