Latest Updates on Libya 4 April 2019; LNA’s Operation to Occupy the Capital

Friday 5 April 2019 - 08:42

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Libya National Army’s operation (led by General Haftar) in western and northwestern part of the country is continuinging and Thursday evening, General Haftar ordered its forces to march to Tripoli.

Advancing LNA in south of the Capital is a warning for Government of National Accord(GNA) and militant groups.


Due to operation by LNA in northwestern parts of Libya, Qaryat, Mezdah, Shaqiqah, Wusta and Wamis were captured and local forces usually surrounded without resistance.


There are contradicting news from Gharyan(south of Tripoli) and each side proclaiming to control the city; LNA released footages of their forces entering the city.
If Gharyan is occupied by Libya National Army, forces led by GNA are under siege in northwest of Libya (Zintan and Nalut adjacent to Tunisia) and their access to Tripoli and Misrata is cut. LNA reaches within 80 km from the Capital.


On the other hand, GNA forces have entered Watiyah airbase, at the border of Tunisia. Militant groups in Misrata agreed to form a united stance against General Haftar.


The Government of National Accord(GNA) has accused General Haftar of not obliging with agreements (agreements under UN and Europe monitoring) and related the advancing of Libya National Army(LNA) in west of Libya to UAE’s support and demanding privileges just before Libya National Conference.
Also LNA under support of UAE in recent week had operated in south of Libya (Sudan and Chad borders). They accusing Sudan’s interference and supporting anti-Libya militia.

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