Details of UN plan for Yemen peace program

Wednesday 28 August 2019 - 08:25

ISWNews Analysis Group: Martin Griffiths, UN Special Envoy for Yemen, reported of UN’s peace plan for Yemen based on dividing it to three regions

– First: Southern region including Aden, Abyan, Dhale, Shabwah, Hadhramout, Mahrah.
– Second: Northern region including Sanaa, Zamar, Rimah, Amran, Saadah, Hajjah, Mahwit, Hudaydah.
– Third: Central region including Marib, Jawf, Baydha, Ibb, Taiz.
Neither of the parties involved in Yemen conflict, such as Ansar Allah, Mansour Hadi’s government and the Southerners, have commented yet.

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