Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 4 December 2019

Wednesday 4 December 2019 - 21:19

Latest news from Afghanistan fronts and election.

1. Helmand:
According to local officials, from 14 towns of Helmand province, five towns Bagheran, Musa Qalaa, Nozad, Disho and Khan Shin are controlled by Taliban.

2. Sare Pol:
Due to Taliban’s attack to Sayyad town, two people martyred and three injured. The attack aimed at governor of Sayyad.

3. Faryab:
In the engagement between Taliban and security forces in Qara Ghoweili area of Almar town, foreign warplanes bombed residential area. Above photos.

4. Farah:
Due to security forces operation in Farah, 21 Taliban militia were killed and 13 injured.

5. Latest updates on presidential election:
– Gen. Dostam met with Gen. Miller, commander of NATO in Afghanistan, in Shabarghan town.
– Supporters of Abdullah Abdullah protesting in Takhar and Faryab.
– Abdullah phone call with Pompeo, US FM, regarding incidents of Afghanistan.
– Abdullah Abdullah campaign: Negotiation with election commission was disappointing. If commission does not invalidate the fraud votes until Saturday, we will start a new wave of protest and complain.

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