Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 8 December 2019

Sunday 8 December 2019 - 20:58

Latest news from Afghanistan fronts and presidential election

1. Qunduz:
– Afghanistan Ministry of Defense reported to cleanse six villages including Qazzaq Tappa and Mulla Din Muhammad in Chahar Darrah district from Taliban control.
– Taliban attacking to security forces station in Dashte Archi district, six forces were killed and wounded in Qunduz.

2. Latest updates on presidential election:
– Zalmay Khalilzad met with Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani.
– Three campaigns of Abdullah Abdullah, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Rahmatullah Nabil joint warning to election commission: We won’t let the government which came by fraud to settle.
– Election commission: Recounting is halted in seven northern provinces by some candidates campaigns, which prevents announcing the results and if it doesn’t end, results are not announced.
– Faramarz Tamanna supported Ashraf Ghani and formed coalition with him, two months after the election.

3. Vast operation in north of Afghanistan
Gen. Dostam:
ISIS has infiltrated in some areas of north extensively. We will launch an extensive operation against terrorists.
In recent months Taliban attacks against roads Faryab-Jozjan and Jozjan-Balkh have increased.

4. Latest updates on US-Taliban negotiation:
Some reliable sources said there is agreement that Taliban stops suicide attacks in big towns and US. stops night attacks to Taliban, in Doha summit.

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