ISIS is planning, this time for Myanmar

Tuesday 19 September 2017 - 22:28

According to the news and analytics outlet of Islamic World News the members of the ISIS terrorist group are recruiting forces in Malaysia to operate in Myanmar, quoting from

According to Ayub Khan Maidin, assistant to the Anti-Terrorism division of the Malaysian Police, at a meeting entitled “Youth Awareness of Threats”:

ISIL by using the problem in Rohingya as a chance to recruit new members to carry out terrorist acts.

ISIL media managers are also targeting the Malaysian people to join ISIL by publishing images of crimes against the Rohingya people

We have information that shows the possibility of Indonesian involvement in terrorist activities.

Myanmar’s proximity to Malaysia is an opportunity for ISIS to increase its influence in the Rakhin province.

Malaysia is closer to Myanmar and the Philippines than Syria.

Now, after the death of Mohamed Vandi Mohammad Jedi in Syria, four Malaysian terrorist in Syria are actively seeking to recruit new members from Malaysia for ISIL.

Threats of the presence of ISIS and other terrorist groups in Myanmar and and being fed by the surrounding countries are quite serious, it seems that Islamic countries should be more active than the past and enter the Myanmar issue and prevent the mess that may be exacerbated by the entry of Takfiris in Myanmar. The consequences of the presence of terrorists in Myanmar could seriously affect the face of Islam in the world along the lines of this Zionist project.


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  1. RRonald Heimsothth says:

    A little over view to begin . As Iran and Qatar have inked oil and gas sales to China , the creation of a port facility in Myamar on its west coast state of Rakine has been financed by China , with pipelines that connect to China . Also there have been discoveries of oil and gas off shore of that same state . The ” Rohingya crisis” in Myamar is a manufactured atrocity propaganda campaign , designed to stop the Iranian – Chinese petroleum trade . The US use of Saudi Wahhabi “jihadists” is well documented in Syria and Iraq . They kill some Buddhists , and tell them the Muslims did it , then , kill some Muslims , and tell them , the Buddhists , or the government did it . I hope the governments of Iran , and Myanmar see beyond these Wahhabi manipulations , and see clearly , that it is just another American attempt to stop the economies of Iran and China .
    Godspeed to all .

    1. @Occupy007 says:

      There have been claims that Muslims are attacking non-Muslims over there, but there are no cell phone videos or photos to support the claims.

      There are plenty of videos and photos of Muslims being attacked and killed by non-Muslims.