Latest Updates on Daraa and Quneitra Provinces 21 July 2018; ISIS Advances in Quneitra, Purging Mahjah and New Areas in Quneitra Province by Army

Islamic World News Analysis Group: In continuation of sustaining security on Quneitra province, Syrian Army troops entered new regions in south of Quneitra Province.
Today by evacuation of militia from south of Syria, the Army’s forces entered new villages in southwest of occupied Golan such as Asbah, Kudna, Tal Ahmar Sharqi and Gharbi ..etc.
On the other side, ISIS terrorists is taking advantage of the wake in these regions and advancing in evacuated regions, occupied villages including Sayda, Ghadir al Bustan, Bakar and Um al Loqes ..etc.
Sparse engagements near important height of Tal Jomu` in north of Tasil between Syrian Army and Khalid ibn Walid Army terrorists related to ISIS is continuing right now.
Tal Jomu` height is under heavy artillery of Syrian Army today.
Today the evacuation of militia from Nawa was continuing and buses to transport them to Idlib province entered Nawa. It is still continuing.
Village Mahjah laying in center of Daraa province which is in cease fire condition in recent years, is reclaimed by Syrian Army by evacuating and transporting militia from it to Idlib.