Turkey’s Afrin campaign; high risk of conflict in northwestern Syria; US establishes army entitled “Syrian Border Security Force”

Tuesday 16 January 2018 - 10:28

In the last few days with accelerating the events in northwestern Syria, there is a high risk of engagement and changes the power balance.

In the last few days that USA announces that they are going to establish a new military unit entitles “Syrian Border Security Force” to defend northern borders, Erdogan announces that he will activate Afrin front again.


Ryan Dillon, Spokesman for Combined Joint Task Force led by USA regarding Syrian Border Security Force says that this unit consists of 30,000 troops, from which half are Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will settle not only in northern borders but also in all borders such as border between Iraq and Syria and in Euphrates valley and in neighboring of Syrian Army.

This clearly shows US plan to set borders for a new self-rule region in Syria.


Publicization of this plan makes strong reactions of Russia and Turkey and Erdogan announces clearly that Turkish Army will attack Afrin and clear this area from PYD/PKK soon.


The issue of Kurds in northern Syria and US supports and establishment of SDF whose main troops are from PYD/PKK is a big disagreement between USA and Turkey which is getting more severe every day and affects the relations between two countries.


After the latest Syrian Peace Talks in Astana which took place with representatives of engaged groups in Syria and Russian, Turkish and Iranian officials to determine the situation of some less critical in Syria, some of Turkish troops based on this agreement settle in Aleppo governorate and south of Afrin from last month.


From yesterday and after Erdogan claims new operation in Afrin, Turkish troops in Al Ra’i and Al Bab are transported toward Afrin fronts and according to news, more Turkish troops and armored vehicles are sent to Hatay and borders north of Afrin.

All the evidences show more activities by Turkish Army near Afrin to operate soon.

There are news that Turkish artilleries fire on PYD positions in southern Afrin from last night.

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  1. Ronald Heimsoth says:

    Greetings Persian friends :
    The US creation of this “Border Force” , really is a declaration of war against four nations . Syria , Iraq , Iran and Turkey . This border force , declares the establishment of “Kurdistan” .
    Turkey has the most territory to loose to this American creation , and so Erdogan is raging .
    But surely he is not the only one affected and upset .
    Possibly at Asana , a meeting of the four nations needs to develop a rational plan .
    Godspeed ..
    But a meeting of the four nations , and a plan is needed to counter this” American Kurdistan”.