The Saudi coalition reinforcing the northern fronts of Marib with Al-Qaeda and ISIS forces

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to Ansar Allah intelligence units and available information, the Saudi coalition is transferring al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists to the northern front of Marib to fight Ansar Allah and popular committees.
Al-Masirah media reported, quoting Ansar Allah intelligence units, that the al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists who had fled to Marib from the north of al-Baydha province, are gathering in the northern Marib area, in the Alam and Rayyan fronts under the supervision of Saudi coalition command.
The source added that al-Qaeda forces under the command of a Saudi individual “Raid bin Saud bin Mu’ali” and ISIS forces under the command of individuals named “Salman bin Ali bin Hamad bin Miqan” and “Abdullah Al-Makni” who are Syrian nationals, have been sent to these fronts.
Al-Qaeda and ISIS groups previously operated and were active in the northern areas of al-Baydha province, but fled to Marib province and Saudi coalition bases in the province after receiving heavy defeats from Ansar Allah.