Details of Fajr Al-Sahra operation in the north of Al-Jawf province (Map Update)

Wednesday 29 December 2021 - 20:34

ISWNews Analysis Group: During Operation Fajr al-Sahara, more than 1,200 kilometers of occupied land in al-Jawf province were liberated from the Saudi-led forces control.

After the end of Operation Faamkana Minhom in March 2020, the clashes in al-Jawf province continued in the northern axis from al-Khanjar camp to al-Yatmah town and the eastern axis from the eastern desert of al-Maraziq to al-Labanat base. The Saudi coalition equipping local forces under the command of Sheikh Amin al-Akimi, the governor of Mansour Hadi in Jawf province, had focused its attacks on the northern heights of al-Jawf and the al-Khanjar camp. Al-Akimi, with the support of the Saudi coalition and the Yatmah tribes, repeatedly attacked Ansar Allah positions, and despite several limited Ansar Allah operations in the al-Dhahra and Qash’an heights, his attacks on Ansar Allahcontinued.

Finally, with the escalation of the clashes on this axis from December 4, Ansar Allah started Operation Fajr Al-Sahra.

In its initial stages, Ansar Allah succeeded in liberating the areas of Qarn Ibn Shaman, Qarn al-Hijra, and Malawi, and consolidated its fire control over the area by strengthening its positions in Jabal Arafah. This was followed by clashes in Jabal al-Hashifa and al-Ja’id, and the news of the coalition commanders fleeing from the Yatmah led the leaders of the Yatmah tribes to talk and compromise with Ansar Allah.

According to the agreement reached between the Yatmah tribes and Ansar Allah, it was decided that Ansar Allah would not enter the Yatmah and that the representatives of the tribes in the area would control and prevent the entry of Saudi-led forces into the area. However, this agreement failed with the deployment of the Saudi coalition forces to the Yatmah and the inability of the tribes against them. Ansar Allah also took the opportunity and on December 16, by launching several ground attacks, succeeded in pushing the Saudi coalition back from the Yatmah and Hadhbat Al-Jaid areas on the evening of December 23, and Ansar Allah forces and popular committees entered the Yatmah on December 24.

Read more:
Peace agreement between Ansar Allah and Yatmah tribes
Ansar Allah advance in the north of al-Jawf province (Map Update)

According to a statement from the Yemeni Armed Forces, Ansar Allah destroyed 15 military and armored vehicles in the operation. The death toll from the Saudi-led forces was 35, with 37 wounded and 45 captured.
Saudi coalition warplanes have also bombed northern al-Jawf more than 60 times, with little effect on Ansar Allah advances.
During the operation, Ansar Allah air defense shot down the 11th US-made Scan Eagle drone over the skies of Yatmah and in several other operations, prevented Saudi warplanes from entering the battles north of al-Jawf.

In the eastern axis of al-Jawf, clashes continue in the suburbs of al-Khanjar camp to the eastern desert of al-Maraziq and the hills of al-Alam.

As Brigadier General Yahya al-Sari’ pointed out in his statement, Ansar Allah has taken control of all important urban areas in al-Jawf province with the liberation of al-Yatmah, and the Saudi coalition has no control over any important point other than the eastern deserts of Khab and Shaaf district.

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