Confidential information of Mossad chief leaked! + Video

Friday 18 March 2022 - 21:45

ISWNews Analysis Group: An anonymous hacker group called “Open Hands” released information about the Mossad chief David Barnea in a video.

In this video, a collection of confidential documents, personal information and financial documents of “David Barnea”, the head of Mossad, the Israeli spy agency, has been released.

On Wednesday, Open Hands published a video that showed several personal photos, flight tickets under David Barnea’s name, his ID card, tax documents addressed to his wife and satellite imagery of his private home in the central city of Hod Hasharon.

According to the group, the leaked information is the result of covert intelligence gathering operations against Israeli targets, including senior Israeli security and military officials, who play a significant role in the present and future of Israeli security services. The group also began operations and overseeing David Barney since 2014.

According to Open Hands, in addition to David Barnea, several other senior Mossad officials, whose names have not yet been revealed, as possible future heads of the organization, are under the groups’s radar.

The Zionist regime has witnessed the largest cyberattacks in recent days, and most of its sensitive and security websites have been targeted and have been out of service for hours. The regime’s security agencies and cyber security organizations have so far not had significant success in combating hacker attacks and infiltration. This shows that the large investment of the Israeli regime in its cyber security has failed!

Read more:
The ports of Haifa and Ashdod were hacked! + Video and files
Disclosure of information of the largest insurance company in Israel!
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