Emphasis Prospect of Iran-Pakistan Relations Following the Victory of “Tehreek-e-Insaf” Party in Pakistan Elections and Party’s Emphasis on Having a Strong Relation with Iran.

Thursday 9 August 2018 - 07:59

The presence and growth of extremist groups like Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Good) etc… and influence of foreign countries, tensions with neighbouring countries and political corruption , … all of these are of problems that has left the political sphere of Pakistan in turmoil.

The victory of “Pakistan Movement for Justice”(Tehreek-e-Insaf) in political sphere of Pakistan, is the result of the political chaos in Pakistan that has been going on in recent years.

The presence and growth of extremist groups like Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Good) etc… and influence of foreign countries, tensions with neighbouring countries and political corruption , … all of these are of problems that has left the political sphere of Pakistan in turmoil.

According to statements of Imran Khan (Leader & option of this party for prime minister) and regarding the developments in the region, a number of issues can be considered:


1. Presence of Pakistan in Saudi Coalition

The future of Pakistan’s presence in Saudi Coalition and Yemen War, is kind of vague because of Imran Khan being the prime minister.

Of course the power of Pakistan’s Army against politicians and their influence on the victory of “Pakistan Movement for Justice”, will prevent Imran Khan to be independent in decision-making.

However Imran Khan’s presence in Saudi Coalition, because Saudis are supporting America in pressuring the Pakistan, can be abolished. In this regard it must be said that Pakistan’s economy is dependant on Saudi and rotation in foreign policy requires a new economy.


2. Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan

Imran Khan welcomed negotiations on this subject, and said that one of his priorities in future is to try to establish peace and security for Afghanistan


3. Pakistan’s relations with Iran

Imran Khan, in his statements, declared that making good relations with neighbouring countries, and in his meeting with Iran’s ambassador informed us about his interest in extending Pakistan’s relations with Iran.


The project of “Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline” (Peace Pipeline) is of Pakistan’s main concern in its relations with Iran. However right now because of India’s pulling off (under the pressure of America) and the project is stopped.

The expenses of this project is very high and is out of Iran and Pakistan’s capability, and Iran has stopped this project until India as the third side of the deal, declare that they are ready to come in.

Exporting gas of Iran to Pakistan and trade relations are of common subjects between the two countries.


The Quetta-Zahedan railway, trade & maritime relations via Oman Sea and Gwadar Bay, joint fight against terrorism specially in borders of the two countries, support of Iran towards Kashmir against India, mutual export and export and … are of mutual cases in relations between Iran and Pakistan.


The role of Pakistan in changes of region, with regards to military power of this country, is considerable. But political dependency and influence of foreign countries like America and Saudi Arabia, were always the reason for the Pakistan’s political and security turmoil.

In fact, the policy of Pakistan have been this from the beginning of “Iranian Revolution”, meaning that Pakistan has always tried to have a “Middle Ground” dealing with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Saudi for economic stability & internal security, Iran as a powerful and influential neighbour.


What we discovered about capability of Iran-Pakistan relations in future, is that their relations will grow in trade & gas export from Iran to Pakistan.

Also the expectation about Pakistan that, 1) Pakistan will act as a “Mediator” between Tehran and Ryadh by Imran Khan’s government, & 2) that Pakistan will stop its cooperation with Saudi Coalition in Yemen War, is inappropriate.

Because Imran Khan has a long way from achieving internal stability , and he must stabilize the basis of his government so that Pakistan can play a important role in issues of the region, or he can prefer the interests of having relation with Iran over Saudi money & Amercia’s pressure, which its hard to reach with situation of Pakistan at the moment.

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