Last Military Situation In Tal Afar In Northern Iraq, operation results till now

Saturday 26 August 2017 - 08:10

Iraqi forces have advanced inside the city of Tal Afar and captured more than 50 percent of the city from ISIS terrorists.

Pro-government forces have entered Al-Nour neighborhood from the eastern axis and reached the citadel in central Tal Afar. Iraqi forces have also surrounded the industrial district and the silos area.

Government forces have liberated the neighborhoods of Al-Tanak, northern Kifah, southern Kifah, Al-Jazeera, Al-Noor, Al-Nasr and Al-Mo’allemin and entered the Al-Khada’a, Al-Wahda, and Al-Qal’aa neighborhoods.

In the Tal Afar countryside, government troops secured Al-‘Asheq and Wiran villages and captured the villages of Sheikh Ibrahim, Ayn alwah and Hamra Alarab.

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نتایج روز ششم عملیات تلعفر

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