Latest Updates on Yemen, 28 February 2019; Intrigue This Time in Hajjah

Friday 1 March 2019 - 14:40

Latest news from Hajjah, Hudaydah, Jawf and Saadah frontlines

1. Saadah:
Media close to Mansoor Hadi’s administration confirmed an AnsarAllah’s missile Badr-1P hitting one of their military bases in Boqa'(Qat area) and death and injury of 69 persons.


2. North of Hajjah:
– Ansarallah reported to clear Rahba region, Kashar district from Hajur tribes control.
– Namerah village in northwest of Ubaysah is claimed by AnsarAllah.
– Saudi Coalition is continuously attacking AnsarAllah’s equipment in the region and helping Hajur tribes. It is said Saudi Coalition and Mansoor Hadi called 8 battalions for operation in regions under control by Hajur tribes, north of Hajjah.


3. Hudaydah:
– AnsarAllah started the process of retreating from al Hudaydah city coast under presence of al Hudaydah Governor and General Lollesgaard according to Sweden Agreement.


4. Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesperson:
– Saudi Coalition violated ceasefire in al Hudaydah 283 times in the last three days (24-26 February).
– Saudi Coalition fighters attacked other Yemen provinces 49 times.
– General Salman al Aseeiri, commander of electronic division of Saudi Army was killed due to our artillery attack to Sudays region, Najran border).

Images showing AnsarAllah engagements with Saudi Coalition and Mansoor Hadi’s forces in Khalyfayn, Jawf province.

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