Investigating UAE’ Foreign Policy

Abundant Oil resources and wealth of the Persian Gulf which were divided by UK between several small and large countries such as Emirates and Saudi Arabia, enabled them to carry on their exploitation policies from Africa to Asia and rule over several thousand years of civilization.
Thus military and rented armies of West and East become a profitable industry which requires the “shadow of war” policy (for example Iranophobia in western Asia) to boom weapon contracts, military support, oil industry exploitation and etc.
Emirates is one of these countries which has a vast plan for foreign influence in fear of Iran and Moghawemat power and in competition with Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The range of Emirates foreign influence plan covers countries such as Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and etc.
First part: Africa
Strengthen strategic foreign influence, as Emirates call it, interfere in many Asian and African countries affairs. Its goals being beyond just Emirates’ position, are in the interest of western exploiting countries such as UK.
Controlling Aden Gulf and countries adjacent to it, confronting Islamic Resistance, controlling the situation in African countries and securing Europe’s energy are the main tasks Emirates should do on behalf of Britain.
Emirates sees the Resistance Axis (Iran, AnsarAllah, Hezbollah) and Turkey-Qatar Coalition on one hand and Saudi-Bahrain- Egypt-Kuwait axis on the other hand as regional rivals.
– Somalia:
To control Aden Gulf, Emirates infiltrated in self-governed area of Somaliland, north of Somalia and erected a military base in Barbara harbor according to request of the local parliament and it is said by paying high stakes bought the exploitation right of the harbor for 30 years.
Somaliland during Somalia civil war in 1991 claimed independence and no country acknowledged that and is considered as a self-governed land. By donating privileges to countries like UAE, they try to get independence.
– Eritrea and Ethiopia:
To infiltrate in the Horn of Africa and also to help assaulting Yemen, Emirates started building a military coastal base in 2015 in Asab harbor, south of Eritrea at the border with Djibouti and Strait of Bab al Mandeb.
This harbor has benefits for three sides, UAE, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Emirates intensifies its presence in Africa and Yemen providing agriculture and food, Eritrea benefits financially and Ethiopia has access to sea.
– Libya:
Emirates is supporting General Gaddafi and opposed Haftar government (supported by UN and Qatar) widely, after fall of Qaddafi. Libya National Army under command of General Haftar and supported by Emirates could claim vast lands in west, east and center of Libya with several operations.
Emirates not only pays all the costs and provides all the equipment for General Haftar but also deployed 12 fighter jets (6 Mirages and 6 F-16s whose pilots and technicians are mainly European) to eastern airbases of Libya to support the operations.
It is said recently that this movement is trying to candidate Saif al-Islam Gaddafi for presidential election.
– Egypt:
After Abdel Fattah el-Sisi took the power from Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, to confront Turkey-Qatar axis, el-Sisi submitted to Saudi-Emirates axis. Therefore Egypt is a main player in Saudi Coalition and signed numerous contracts with Saudi and UAE.
Second Part: Asia
– Yemen:
After accompanying Saudi Coalition in attacking Yemen widely, Emirates follows two policies; to form groups separated from Saudi Coalition and to control southern harbors and islands. Groups adherent to Emirates have formed under the names “Hizam al Amni” and “Quwat an Nukhbah” in southern and eastern parts of Yemen.
UAE’ approach to war in Yemen is first to confront AnsarAllah and then to confront Mansoor Hadi’s forces.
Although Emirates apparently supports Mansoor Hadi in confrontation with AnsarAllah but in reality they have deep differences with Muslim Brotherhood and Mansoor Hadi’s idealogy and are continuously looking for positions in parliament or government.
Engagements in different cities such as Taiz, Shabwah and Aden are evidences for it.
After repelling Ali Abdullah Saleh intrigue by AnsarAllah, Emirates is trying to attract his family and movement and trying to have a role beside AnsarAllah and Saudi in Yemen’s political field.
During the last year, Emirates occupied Socotra islands and repelled Mansoor Hadi’s troops out of there. It also is erecting a military base there and buying the lands from Yemeni owners. About Perim island and other islands, Emirates’ approach is same and trying to have cultural and military influence.
As mentioned, Emirates expansion based on the resources and wealth out of the Persian Gulf, trying to stabilize its wealth by using other locations such as Aden Gulf countries and north of Africa. Also to confront Iran in western Asia, being Britain’s police of the region.
Thus forming coalition with Saudi Arabia and its ambitious crown prince, participating in war against Yemen, investing in Aden Gulf, supporting Sisi and Haftar and etc. are all to serve in UK’s interests and if in future Emirates claim to confront Iran in future, it will not be surprising.
In addition, Emirates interference in civil wars of African countries and Afghanistan and also Pakistan’s financial dependence are among topics to be explained in future articles.