Breaking: Missile attack to Saudi coalition forces base in Marib

Saturday 18 January 2020 - 20:45

ISWNews Analysis Group: One missile hit al-Isteqbal base in Mil area, northwest of Marib province.

Saudi coalition media reported of some death and injury casualties among Mansour Hadi’s and Sudanese or Saudi forces.
These media consider Ansar Allah responsible for it.

– Local sources reported of 11 deaths and injury of more than 20 of Mansour Hadi’s forces.
– Al Jazeera also reported of 30 deaths and injury of tens.
– Forces in this base are from the fourth brigade of Mansour Hadi’s army under command of Mehran al-Qabati, close to UAE.
– Local sources said the number of deaths and injured to bring to the hospitals are more than 60. These sources said the death and injured are not separated yet.

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