Are the recent developments in Saudi Arabia related to Ansar Allah?

Tuesday 26 January 2021 - 21:50

According to tonight’s tweet of Mohammad Abdul Salam and the recent developments in Saudi Arabia, the question arises whether the recent developments in Saudi Arabia are related to Ansar Allah or not?

“Mohammad Abdul Salam” spokesman and person in charge of Ansar Allah negotiations:
“Those who invaded Yemen by killing and besieging should not expect open meetings and diplomacy under the fire of war and siege, but should expect a reciprocal response.”

Recently, a group called “Al-Wa’ada Al-Haq” claimed responsibility for the drone attack on Riyadh on January 23. Also today, Riyadh came under airstrikes again, and with the severe censorship on the official sources and the Saudi media, the details of this attack are still unknown. An hour ago, local sources announced the rerouting and delay of 7 flights at Jeddah airport, and the reason and other details of this incident are still unknown.

According to tonight’s tweet of Mohammad Abdul Salam and the recent developments in Saudi Arabia, the question arises whether the recent developments in Saudi Arabia are related to Ansar Allah? We are waiting for the official news, detailed information and more.

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