Israel - Islamic World News

Monday 11 December 2023 - 08:26

Israeli Regime Carries Out Air Strike On Damascus

On December 10, the Israeli regime army fighter jets fired a number of missiles towards targets in the outskirts of the Syrian capital city Damascus, some of which were intercepted and destroyed by the Syrian army’s air defense.

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 18:32

Ansar Allah Movement Carries Out 11th Operation Against Israeli Positions In Occupied Palestine

Spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced the details of the execution of the 11th operation by the Yemeni armed forces against Israeli positions in occupied Palestine.  According to the statements of Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the missile unit of the Yemeni armed forces fired a number of their ballistic missiles […]

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 17:26

Latest Updates On Bani Suheila Area in The East Of Khan Yunis (Map)

Clashes continue in Bani Suheila area in the east of Khan Yunis. The Israeli regime forces spent a difficult night around al-Alam square in Bani Suheila! Israeli tanks and forces are still trying to stabilize their positions around al-Alam square. This morning, al-Quds Brigades announced that they targeted the Israeli special forces who were planning […]

Tuesday 5 December 2023 - 17:50

Israeli Forces Reached Khan Yunis! (Map)

Today, the Israeli tanks advanced southward on the Salah al-Din road and reached the Bani Suheila area and the entrance to the city of Khan Yunis. Today’s advances took place after Israeli forces blocked the Salah al-Din road in the middle of the Gaza Strip yesterday. In fact, the Israeli forces established a bridgehead in […]