Latest Updates on Yemen 6 September 2018; Saudi Coalition Confirming AnsarAllah’s Missiles Hitting Targets

AnsarAllah infographic showing August attacks to Saudi Coalition.
1. Firing and hitting the target of a missile Badr-1 to military base of Saudi in Najran.
It hits the target and according to Saudi Coalition spokesperson 23 are injured.
According to Turki al Maliki, spokesperson of Saudi Coalition, due to firing of 189 missiles by AnsarAllah to Saudi Arabia, 112 have been killed so far.
This official confession not only confirms that AnsarAllah’s missiles hit the target but also implies that Saudi media are lying.

Ansarallah attacks to Saudis in Najran borders
2. Al Hudaydah
Heavy engagement in north of Manzar and south of the airport. (axis of attacks are shown in the map.) Aerial and naval attacks to al Hudaydah shore has intensified and it seems the new wave of attacks by the Coalition will increase in near future.
AnsarAllah’s dummy attacks to Jabilah, Fazah and west of Tuhayta and if AnsarAllah puts more pressure on Tuhayta, reclaiming it is not impossible.