Video: Targeting Syrian army positions by Turkish army using Grad missiles

Wednesday 12 February 2020 - 19:27

Militant media reported the start of a new round of attacks with direct Turkish support against the Syrian army positions in the Kafr Halab area.

The footage released by militants shows Turkish army firing Grad rockets against Syrian army positions! These images shows hostile behavior of Turkey against Syria once more.

Syrian foreign ministry today reacted severely to US and Turkey assault and stated Syria is determined to confront terrorists and cleaning the whole land of Syria from terrorists and occupiers. Syria considers Turkish forces presence in Syrian land is illegal and the consequences are on Turkey.
Russian defense ministry also condemned Turkish troops and equipment deployed to Syria and expressed Turkey failed to fullfil its obligation to divide terrorists from moderate oppositions.

Tensions in Idlib are increasing fast and it seems battle in Syria is entering a new phase which is more serious and dangerous!

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