Details of Agreement Between Southerners and Mansour Hadi’s Resigned Government Signed in Riyadh

Tuesday 5 November 2019 - 21:11

ISWNews Analysis Group: Mansour Hadi’s resigned government and Southern Transitional Council of Yemen signed the agreement in Riyadh under supervision of Saudi and UAE.

Possible details of this agreement are as follows:

– Organizing all forces under Ministry of Defense again.

– Halt of propaganda against each other.

– Participation of Southern Transition Council in the Consulting Council to reach final political solution.

– Forming the government with 24 ministers equally divided between northern and southern provinces.

– The government should form before 30 days after the agreement.

– Ministers should not be selected from those who participated in engagements of Aden, Abyan and Shabwah.

– Return of all forces who moved toward Aden, Abyan and Shabwah.

– Collecting medium and heavy weapons from Military forces in Aden within 15 days after the agreement.

– Pulling all forces of government and Transition Council out of Aden to other provinces.

– Uniting military forces under the Ministry of Defense and distribute to different fronts under Saudi coalition.

– Organizing military forces in southern provinces under Ministry Defense of the resigned government.

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