Video: Boko Haram!

Tuesday 3 December 2019 - 21:57

Boko Haram, which means literally no western education, or formerly known as Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād, is an ally of ISIS and active in Africa including northern part of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameron and Benin. This group was founded by Muhammad Yusef, a Nigerian wahhabi and supporter of flat Earth theory!, in 2002 under […]

Boko Haram, which means literally no western education, or formerly known as Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād, is an ally of ISIS and active in Africa including northern part of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameron and Benin.

This group was founded by Muhammad Yusef, a Nigerian wahhabi and supporter of flat Earth theory!, in 2002 under influence of Afghanistan’s Taliban and was an ally of al Qaeda before emergence of ISIS.

Boko Haram’s chief, Abubakar Shekau, stated coalition with ISIS Khalifah in March 2015 and changed the name of the group to the Islamic State in West Africa or the Islamic State’s West Africa Province.
After 17 months of coalition between Boko Haram and ISIS, some differences between them caused Habib, son of Muhammad Yusef famous as Abu Mus’ab Al Birnawi, to be assigned as the head of West Africa State by ISIS and heat up the struggles. In despite of domestic confrontations, Boko Haram’s activities in west of Africa specially in north of Nigeria is still significant.

Boko Haram’s crimes including but not limited to massacring hundreds in cities and villages of north of Nigeria (states Borno, Yuba, Kanu, etc.), abducting near 300 female students and selling them as slaves and… and suicide bombings.

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