Tariq Saleh’s reign on western coast of Yemen!

Sunday 29 December 2019 - 11:54

ISWNews Analysis Group: Tariq Saleh, commander of the Yemeni National Resistance, reported of having full control on Saudi coalition’s bases in the western coast.

Tariq Saleh in graduation ceremony of cadets of artillery, presidential guard unit:
– Joint forces are given control of all bases in the western coast from Saudi coalition.
– Our weapons target no one except Houthis (Ansar Allah).

This was decided after Sudanese forces evacuated the coalition’s bases completely.
By “joint forces” Tariq Saleh meant “resistance forces” that includes forces of presidential guard of Ali Abdullah Saleh, army and security separated from Sanaa government, Tihamah, Amaliqah and volunteers from tribes supporting him in al Hudaydah, Lahij and Aden. The number of these forces are estimated to be 10 thousand and fight against AnsarAllah in Taiz and al Hudaydah.

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