Lebanon - Islamic World News

Monday 10 August 2020 - 18:20

Unconditional aid offer, French Trojan horse for Lebanon

The French president’s suggestion for meeting the Lebanon financial and goods need with the aim of passing the current economic crisis seems to be for restoring this country’s lost traditional infiltration. The issue that if the Lebanese government accept it, will probably should accept its terms, that like other enemies of the Resistance axis, is putting pressure for disarming the Hezbollah. So, Iran’s entering for meeting some of the Lebanese people needs in the goods field by creating a land corridor is very necessary that pressure of public opinion on the government and the Lebanese Resistance be reduced and also, the Iranian economy be connected to the Resistance economy, after years of neglect.

Saturday 8 August 2020 - 22:02

Lebanon: Increasing Protests in Beirut + Video

Following the massive explosion in the port of Beirut and the widespread destruction in the city, certain currents once again started a new wave of protests and street riots in Beirut with a new line and using of the critical situation in Beirut.

Saturday 8 August 2020 - 19:04

Latest Updates on Beirut Explosion

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to the latest information released by the Lebanese Ministry of Health, 158 people have been died and more than 6,000 injured in the explosion at the port of Beirut.