West Asia - Islamic World News

Sunday 3 November 2019 - 19:36

Video: Naked Truth About US. in West of Asia!

Footages presented here show presence of US. troops around Syria’s oil wells. The oil that belongs to Syrian people but is stolen by US. to pay its warmongering and sabotaging plans in west of Asia. US president said that USA will keep the oil of Syria, I like the oil! We keep the oil … […]

Sunday 3 November 2019 - 19:29

Tension and Protests in Socotra

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the invitation by South of Yemen Transition Council and resigned government of Mansour Hadi, supporters of UAE and Mansoor Hadi in Socotra island came to the streets and marched.

Saturday 2 November 2019 - 22:37

Latest Updates on Iraq, 2 November 2019

Hashad Sha’abi warning: Unknown sources try to attach themselves to Hashad Sha’abi and claim to be part of it and abuse the name of Hashad Sha’abi by their stances and words.