Syria - Islamic World News

Monday 14 October 2019 - 21:45

Map: What Is Happening in East of Euphrates?

The incidents are happening in the advantage of Syrian army. From last night so far, Syrian army could present in Manbij completely. Strategic town of Tabqah was the next stop that the army entered. US had airbase of Tabqah for a long time and Americans leaving it was important. As it was mentioned last night, […]

Monday 14 October 2019 - 18:05

Permits Which Will Be Abolished Soon!

Most probably these are the last permits to be issued to enter northeast of Syria. For years some separatists had the dream of separation or independence, and it was the naive idea that indeed kept them from returning to their nation.The dream of independent western Kurdistan will be dead since now and of course it […]

Sunday 13 October 2019 - 22:26

Syrian Army Enters Manbij and East of Euphrates

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to the agreement reached between the SDF and the Syrian government, the Syrian Army forces will enter the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the east and west of the Euphrates to counter Turkish aggression.