ISWNews - Islamic World News

Thursday 6 June 2019 - 20:48

Ansar Allah Operation in Northern Saadah

According to available data, Ansar Allah’s operations were carried out to secure the northern Saadah and push back the Saudi Coalition forces form the north of Kitaf.

Wednesday 5 June 2019 - 12:02

Terrorist Attack in Sinai

Terrorists attacked the “Batal-14” security checkpoint south of al-Arish. 8 soldiers were killed and 3 were wounded, according to the Interior Ministry.

Wednesday 5 June 2019 - 11:03

Ansar Allah Trophies from Al Jawf Front

Ansar Allah captured a large number of guns and ammunition during the advance in Safhah and Wajf front in Khab and Shaaf district, Jawf province from Saudi-led forces.

Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 23:08

Naked Terrorism in Syria! Jaish al Izza

Interesting point is that Jaish al Izza forces are not concealing their relationship with al Qaeda and al Qaeda patches (ISIS uses too) are seen on their arms…

Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 22:42

ISIS returned to Daraa!

ISIS media released a statement announcing the targeting of a Syrian Army vehicle along the path between the Namer and Kharbat Ghazalah.

Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 21:32

ISIS Took Responsibility of Taramiyah Attack, Iraq

ISWNews Analysis Group: In the past month, ISIS activities have increased in various parts of Iraq and several ISIS attacks in different parts of the country have been thwarted by the Iraqi forces.