Saudi coalition Withdraws From the City of Al-Hudaydah and the West Coast of Yemen

Friday 12 November 2021 - 20:40

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Saudi-led forces evacuated tens of kilometers from their positions on the west coast of Yemen and retreated to Aden.

The frontlines of Saudi coalition in the western coast of al-Hudaydah has collapsed following a recent Ansar Allah missile attacks on positions Saudi coalition in southern Saudi Arabia and Tariq Saleh’s military bases in western Taiz province. According to the latest news from the al-Hudaydah fronts, the “Amaliqah forces” affiliated with the “Yemeni National Resistance” have evacuated their fronts in the north and east of al-Hudaydah city, Kilo16, Manzar, the western areas of Durayhimi, Taef, Jah, Tuhayta, etc. and have retreated to Aden.

These areas include tens of kilometers of occupied land from the city of al-Hudaydah to the Tuhayta area in the south.

Following these developments and the rapid retreat, the media and analysts on Yemeni issues have offered different views, which are summarized as follows:

1- Some analysts believe that this retreat was done to strengthen the Shabwah and Marib fronts and these retreats will continue until the Hays-Khukhah front.
2- Some reported claimed a new agreement between the Saudi coalition and Ansar Allah mediated by the United Nations, citing evidence of Hans Grundberg’s recent visit to the west coast of Yemen.
3- Some reported have claimed that the unfulfilled clauses of the “Sweden Agreement” have been implemented, and that Ansar Allah should also evacuate the city of al-Hudaydah and al-Salif port in the coming days and hand over control of the area to joint forces.
4- Some other analysts are optimistic about the situation in al-Hudaydah, calling it a routine deployment of forces in the west coast by Saudi coalition that Ansar Allah has took advantage of the situation and captured the mentioned areas.

Different narratives of this situation cannot be cited until the official sources of the Saudi coalition and Ansar Allah publish a statement and details about it. But what has been confirmed is that Ansar Allah’s recent advances on the Marib and Shabwah fronts have left the Saudi coalition forces in deep confusion and weakness. The coalition needs high trained and experienced forces to maintain the Marib and Shabwah, and with the Sudanese fleeing Yemen and the killing of al-Qaeda and ISIS elements by Ansar Allah, they have no choice but to get help from the Amaliqah and Tariq Saleh forces.

Interactive map of the Yemeni western coast

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  1. Azadar Hussain says:

    How much more humiliation Saudis are ready to bear? Yemen is a neighbouring Country so they should honour their Sovereignty & live & let live in peace. However it indicates the level of pressure the West & Zionists are putting on Saudis that they ignore this simple solution & suffer daily humiliations at hands of Brave Yemeni forces.