UAE Forces Retreats From Marib, Yemen

Friday 5 July 2019 - 09:10

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to Saudi Coalition’s media, UAE forces retreated from Marib province and Saudi forces replaced them.

This retreat took place without informing Mansour Hadi, when the confrontation between Marib tribes and Saudi Coalition forces have increased recently. In recent engagement, 6 militants of Al Amir tribe and 3 Saudi Coalition forces were killed.
UAE retreating from front lines confronting Ansar Allah resulted in weakened and alone Saudi Arabia and also start of direct negotiations between Saudis and Ansar Allah.
UAE retreated from 80% of its positions in al Hudaydah after their defeat in al Hudaydah, in Dhale’ after Ansar Allah’s operation from fronts Haqab, Damt, Hisha and Azariq. Now they completely retreating from Marib province.
In addition, there are changes coming in ruling Shabwah and Aden, whose details are not clear now and we should wait and see if UAE-Saudi differences is the reason UAE retreated or its defeats from Ansar Allah…

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