ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi resistance groups attacked a US logistical convoy in Qadisiyah province with a roadside bomb.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah air defense shot down a US-made Scan Eagle drone belonging to Saudi coalition in the sky of al-Jubah district in Marib province.
ISWNews Analysis Group: A US military convoy was targeted by an IED attack in the Syrian province of Hasakah by unknown individuals.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah air defense systems shot down a Chinese CH-4 drone belonging to Saudi coalition in north of Amran province.
ISWNews Analysis Group: A US logistical convoy was targeted by a roadside bomb in Babil province.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi resistance group attacked three US logistical convoys in Qadesiyah, Babil and Muthanna provinces with roadside bombs.