Yemen - Islamic World News

Monday 13 February 2023 - 08:50

Latest Updates Of Conflicts In Aden; UAE Envoy Rushes To Assist STC

ISWNews Analysis Group – As a result of recent clashes between militants of Al-Dara Al-Watan and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden, the Saudi-led coalition command headquarters ordered the Southern Transitional Council militants to evacuate two military bases of Al-Nasr and Al-Sulaban and hand over the bases to Al-Dara Al-Watan militants.

Sunday 5 February 2023 - 19:38

The Onset Of Confrontation Between Al-Dara’ Al-Watan and STC Militants In Aden

ISWNews Analysis Group – The Al-Dara’ Al-Watan militants (the National Shield, who are militias that formed in November 2022 with the support of Saudi Arabia) kicked off an operation to control the headquarters and military bases of the Southern Transitional Council (a secessionist organization of South Yemen) in Aden.

Wednesday 1 February 2023 - 12:45

The New Al-Dara’ Al-Watan Brigade Was Formed In Southern Yemen

ISWNews Analysis Group – The new brigade of “Al-Dara’ Al-Watan” forces was formed in the southern regions of Yemen under the support of Saudi Arabia and by the order of Rashad Al-Alimi, the head of the Presidential Council of the Saudi-backed government.

Sunday 29 January 2023 - 12:58

Britain’s Role In Yemen Conflict; From Selling Arms To Saudi Arabia To Backing Inflation Of Customs Tariffs In Yemen

Following centuries of embarking on colonialism, Britain turned to a multi-layered strategy, whose different aspects consist of a series of political and economic plots as well as the military occupation of islands and oil resources of other countries. They sell arms and provide rich Arab states with military services to fan the flame of war and bloodbath in weak nations, and they loot oil resources and wealth of a crisis-hit state under the pretense of a mediating and peacemaking power along with the United States and China. Yemen is an obvious example of the British colonial policy!

Monday 23 January 2023 - 16:41

Latest Updates on Yemen, 23 January 2023

ISWNews Analysis Group – Britain’s embassy in Yemen welcomed and backed a decision by the Supreme Economic Council of the resigned government of Yemen in order to surge the exchange dollar rate by 50% for the import of commodities in the ports supervised by the Saudi coalition.

Saturday 21 January 2023 - 13:43

Ansar Allah-Saudi coalition agreement; What are the outline and impediments of recent negotiations on Yemen?

Given the futile experience of the Stockholm Agreement and the partial enforcement of three stages of temporary truce, reaching an inclusive agreement between Ansar Allah movement and the Saudi-led coalition seems to be unlikely and out of reach. Seemingly, in a bid to reach a wide-ranging agreement, the two sides will re-enforce a temporary agreement, including issues such as the implementation of a ceasefire, the prisoner swap, the payment of Yemeni civil servants’ salaries from oil incomes as well as the re-opening of Sana’a Airport and Al Hudaydah Port, and then they will pay heed to internal affairs of the Arab country after resolving external disputes.