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Five months after the Adel Abdul Mahdi resignation and the Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi and Adnan al-Zurfi failure, Mustafa al-Kadhimi succeeded to form the new government in Iraq.

Five months after the Adel Abdul Mahdi resignation and the Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi and Adnan al-Zurfi failure, Mustafa al-Kadhimi succeeded to form the new government in Iraq.
Islamic World News Analysis Group: The alliance of “Revolutionaries For Reform”(Saairun) obtained 54 seat, “the Fatah alliance” 47 seat, “the Victory(al-Nasr) alliance” 42 seat.
Islamic World News Analysis Group: After many conflicts about the result of the Iraqi parliamentary election, the election committee of Iraq, postpone the official announcement on final results to Thursday or Friday.