Syria - Islamic World News

Wednesday 21 August 2019 - 20:19

Map: Syrian Army Liberated Khan Sheikhoun in Southern Idlib

ISWNews Analysis Group: This afternoon, Syrian Army continued their advance westward after the liberation of Tal Tari, eventually joining the forces that had liberated the city of Khan Sheikhun in the west of the Khazanat checkpoint and thus the Turkish observation post, Morek, Kafr Zita, Latamenah and another villages were besieged by the Syrian Army.

Tuesday 20 August 2019 - 22:52

Latest News From Southern Idlib and Khan Sheikhun

– Based on released photos from north of Khan Sheikoun, Turkish military convoy is halted in Maar Hatat near Heish area, erecting a watch post. Turkish troops forced to stop here due to Syrian Army warnings.   – From today around noon different media are reporting continuously that Khan Sheikhun is liberated or terrorists have […]

Tuesday 20 August 2019 - 22:43

Video: Hunting Ahrar Al Sharqiah Convoy by Russian Fighters

Ahrar Al Sharqiah militia are a known branch of the Free Syrian Army which is active in Afrin and north of Aleppo. This group recently sent troops to south of Idlib to confront Syrian Army operation. In this video, which was released in militia’s media, a convoy of Ahrar Al Sharqiah can be seen going […]

Tuesday 20 August 2019 - 08:59

Video: Khan Sheikhoun From Above!

ANNA News correspondent released aerial images of the city of Khan Sheikhoun hour ago. As it appear, the city of Khan Sheikhoun is more like a ghost town! and there’s no sign of militants there…

Monday 19 August 2019 - 12:49

Syrian Army Attacking Turkish Military Convoy in South of Idlib

ISWNews Analysis Group: Today morning a Turkish military convoy of 28 military vehicles including 7 tanks and 6 bulldozers which was going to south of Idlib and Khan Sheikhun area was attacked by Syrian fighter jets in Haysh area.