Audience Question: Did Ansar Allah Liberated 95% of al-Jawf?

Question:Hello, i have some questions about Yemen.First of all, what do you think about General Yahya Sari’s statement that 95% of al-Jawf province has been liberated?Because according to your maps 95% of al-Jawf is not liberated and it is being said that Ansar Allah through al-jawf to Rub’ al Khali and then by connecting themselves […]
Hello, i have some questions about Yemen.
First of all, what do you think about General Yahya Sari’s statement that 95% of al-Jawf province has been liberated?
Because according to your maps 95% of al-Jawf is not liberated and it is being said that Ansar Allah through al-jawf to Rub’ al Khali and then by connecting themselves to Oman can bring in weapons and…
My second question is whether Ansar Allah has advanced in Hadhramaut? What is your opinion?
Hello, the al-Jawf province consists of 12 districts which 11 of it is in western hemisphere and one district named “Khab and al-Shaaf”, which includes 82% of this province, is in eastern hemisphere of this province.
The geography of al-jawf is mostly desert and inhabitable. The density and concentration of population is in western hemisphere. This is why that the spokesman for Yemen’s Armed Forces said that 95% of al-Jawf province is liberated. Consider that cleaning the remaining regions of al-Jawf is not of priority and is not necessary for Ansar Allah. Becasuse this desert region is not of use and strategic role in the process of war. Also entering the vast desert regions in order to gain access to Oman is not logical for Ansar Allah.
And about the second question the news of Ansar Allah’s entrance to Hadhramaut is false and the Ansar Allah forces have not entered this province from the beginning of the war.
If you watch the Yemen map you will see our points more comprehensible and tangible.
