Iran’s warning to Iraq: Remove the terrorist groups from the Kurdistan Region!

Tuesday 11 October 2022 - 07:38

After the increase of destructive activities of the terrorist groups based in the Kurdistan region of Iraq against the national security of Iran and the failure of the Iraqi authorities to take the necessary measures to expel the terrorist groups from the area, the IRGC has started a new operation against the terrorist groups in this region.

In recent years, the officials and military commanders of the Islamic Republic of Iran have repeatedly warned about the activity and deployment of terrorist groups near the borders of Iran and the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and have informed the local and government authorities of Iraq about their opposition. However, the central government of Iraq and the authorities of the Kurdistan region have not taken decisive and acceptable measures to expel these groups or prevent their attacks on the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Therefore, with the increase of the activities of terrorist groups Komola, KDPI, PAK, PJAK and PKK in Iran’s borders, as well as attempts to carry out terrorist operations, the explosion in one of the country’s sensitive centers in Isfahan province by elements of the terrorist group Komala under the guidance of Mossad (the attack was neutralized in August), the attempt to bringing armed teams and import a large amount of weapons into Iran’s soil and the active role in the recent riots in Iran’s border cities made the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps determined to carry out a artillery and drone campaign against the positions of the mentioned terrorist groups in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Considering the number of terrorist groups and their foreign supporters, it seems that the recent attacks of the IRGC are not enough to completely destroy the terrorist groups and this operation is just a warning message and retaliatory action. On the other hand, the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the same time as the start of this operation, have put diplomatic consultations with the Iraqi authorities on the agenda and demanded an end to the activities of terrorist groups around their borders, especially in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The presence of terrorist groups in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, in addition to threatening the security of Iran, is also considered a serious threat to the security of Iraq. If proper action is not taken by the Iraqi authorities to expel terrorist groups from the Kurdistan Region, this issue can threaten Iraq’s national security in the long term, create problems in relations with neighboring countries, increase the number of foreign military bases in northern Iraq, and turning the Kurdistan region of Iraq into an arena for resolving regional disputes and military conflicts.

Currently, the terrorist groups of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI), Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan (Komala) and the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) are among the main separatist and terrorist groups in the eastern borders of the Kurdistan Region, focusing on attacking Iran’s national security. During the past years, many documents have been obtained about the use of the mentioned groups by western Intelligences, including the CIA and Mossad, to carry out subversive operations in Iran.

Considering this issue, if the current negotiations to dismantle and evacuate the headquarters of these groups from the territory of the Kurdistan Region do not succeed, we may witness more effective and serious operations by Iran, including ground operations to clean up the eastern areas of the Kurdistan Region.

Read more:
Iran’s missile and drone attacks against terrorist groups in the Kurdistan region + Video
15 terrorists were killed in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
IRGC missile attacks on north of Er

Map of the dispersion of terrorist groups in the eastern borders of the Kurdistan region of Iraq – Click to view full size
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  1. death to america says:

    its useless to talk to these idiots iran should just get rid of these kurdish terrorists