Latest Updates on Yemen 28 January 2019

Tuesday 29 January 2019 - 11:12

Latest news from Yemeni frontlines and ceasefire violation in al Hudaydah by Saudi Coalition

1. AnsarAllah firing a Badr P-1 missile to Saudi Coalition troops gathering position east of Tawwal passage, Jizan border; AnsarAllah claims it hit the target accurately.


2. AnsarAllah drone attack to Saudi Coalition forces gathering position Aseer, south of Saudi Arabia.


3. Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesperson:
– Saudi Coalition violated the ceasefire in al Hudaydah 184 times in the last two days.
– Saudi Coalition fighters attacked other provinces of Yemen 36 times.


4. Ahmed Mohsen Salem Al Yafe’i, Mansoor Hadi’s new Chief of Intelligence
Mansoor Hadi, president of resigned government of Yemen, replacing Muhammad Saleh Tammah(killed in Al Anad airbase lately) by Ahmed Mohsen Salem Al Yafe’i as the new Chief of Intelligence of his government.

Muhammad Saleh Tammah was a commander of South Movement was killed in AnsarAllah attack to Al Anad airbase.


5. Muhammad Abdusalam, AnsarAllah’s Spokesperson:
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi met Martin Griffiths, UN Emissary in Yemen.

Revolution Leader emphasized on Sweden agreement and its implementation by the other side.
Sayyid Al-Houthi condemned Saudi Coalition for Yemeni People being under siege, Sanaa airport being bombed and civilians being attacked.


6. Hajjah:
Saudi Coalition attack defeated by AnsarAllah after hours of engagement, east of Nar mountain.


7. AnsarAllah drone and artillery joint mission attacking Saudi Coalition forces gathering position, east of Wa’u’ mount, Aseer province. (south of Saudi Arabia).

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