Latest Updates on Yemen 11 May 2019

Saturday 11 May 2019 - 22:25

Latest Updates on Sweden Agreement Implementation and AnsarAllah’s Advances

1. Dhale:
– Ansar Allah’s full control over Qatabah city after heavy engagement of last week.
Ansar Allah is controlling most of southern parts of Qatabah and Hizam al Amni forces supported by Emirates are keeping their last position in north of Sanah.
– 3 Martyred and 13 wounded due to Saudi Coalition bombing AnsarAllah’s positions in Qatabah.


2. Baydha:
– Ansar Allah operation in Khazan hill and Shiol against al Qaeda forces and tribes close to Saudi Coalition in Zaher district.
– Ansar Allah cleared mount Mutallah from Saudi Coalition and al Qaeda.


3. Hajjah:
– Ansar Allah operation in eastern axis of Nar heights against Saudi Coalition.


4. Al Hudaydah:
– Ansar Allah’s protesting UN regarding Durayhimi being under siege for 9 months and Saudi Coalition preventing essential helps.
– Ceasefire violation by Saudi Coalition in Al Hudaydah and Bombing villages south of Tuhayta, Fazah, al Hudaydah eastern parts, university and Airport by Saudi Coalition.
– Martin Griffiths, UN emissary in Yemen said Ansar Allah is evacuating three harbors Raas Issa, Al Salif and Al Hudaydah from 11 to 14 May and UN taking control of them according to Sweden agreement. He considers this act as a positive step in political negotiations to end the war in Yemen.

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