Latest Updates on Southerners and Hadi’s Forces Conflict, 31 August 2019

Saturday 31 August 2019 - 13:52

ISWNews Analysis Group: Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, the leader of Southern Transitional Council stated that Southern Forces will continue the operation until complete liberation of south of Yemen.

– Mansour Hadi’s resigned government asked him to cancel UAE presence in Yemen war and call back their ambassador from Abu Dhabi.
– Some ministers stated that if Mansour Hadi’s passive behavior in reaction to UAE continues, they will resign.
– Aidarus al-Zoubaidi: Our forces will continue the operation until complete liberation of south of Yemen.
– ISIS took responsibility for engagements and suicide attacks to Hizam Al Amni forces(security belt) in Dar Saad area, north of Aden. ISIS and al Qaeda attacks to Southerners have increased since their confront with Mansour Hadi’s forces.
– Hizam Al Amni forces transported from Aden to Socotra island.
– According to pro-Mansour Hadi media reports, a UAE ship has recently arrived in southern Yemen and significant quantities of new weapons and equipment have been delivered to the Southern Transitional Council forces.
The move shows the UAE’s decision to continue military support to the south and to continue military operations in southern Yemen.
– One of the commanders of the so-called al-Muqawama al-Janubiyyah (affiliated with Mansour Hadi and Saudi Arabia) announced that its militia and the southern Yemeni tribes would give the Emirates 72 hours to leave Yemen; or the UAE forces and their interests in Yemen would be targets of this group.

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