Latest Updates on Yemen, 15 September 2019

1. Hajjah: – According to Ansar Allah media, AnsarAllah’s drone-artillery joint operation in Hayran and Ahem triangle imposed more than 30 dead and injured casualties to Saudi-led forces. – Ansar Allah fired 2 Zelzal-1 missiles at Hayran area. 2. Saadah: Saudi Coalition fighters attacked different parts of Saadah province 8 times. 3. Latest […]
1. Hajjah:
– According to Ansar Allah media, AnsarAllah’s drone-artillery joint operation in Hayran and Ahem triangle imposed more than 30 dead and injured casualties to Saudi-led forces.
– Ansar Allah fired 2 Zelzal-1 missiles at Hayran area.
2. Saadah:
Saudi Coalition fighters attacked different parts of Saadah province 8 times.
3. Latest news of Ansar Allah’s recent attack to Aramco:
– Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia, reported of reduction in production by 5 million and 700 thousand barrels of crude oil and 2 billion BCF of natural gas per day (50% of Saudi production of crude oil and natural gas) in addition to reduction of ethane by 50%.
He said the Abqaiq and Khurays refineries will be closed at least for the next 48 hrs and the reduction in production will be compensated from tanks.
– Some Saudi media showing missiles in the desert claimed that the attack was performed from Iraq soil and using Iranian cruise missiles. Iraqi officials rejected the claim.
4. Saudi media reported 8 Saudi troops were killed in the last 2 days in Yemen’s borders.
5. Conflicts on south of Yemen:
In despite of Aidarus al-Zoubaid, head of Southern Transitional Council, last trip to Saudi Arabia and negotiating with Saudi delegates and Mansour Hadi, no news of ceasefire and the outcomes are unclear.
In the last 2 days, conflict between Southerners and Mansour Hadi’s forces near Mahfad in Abyan province and in Al Aram in Shabwah province reported.