Tariq Saleh’s reign on western coast of Yemen!
ISWNews Analysis Group: Tariq Saleh, commander of the Yemeni National Resistance, reported of having full control on Saudi coalition’s bases in the western coast.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Tariq Saleh, commander of the Yemeni National Resistance, reported of having full control on Saudi coalition’s bases in the western coast.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Yemeni Armed Forces spokesperson, Gen. Yahya Sari’ said a Badr P-1 missile fired toward 19th brigade of Saudi border guard base in Ber Askar area, Najran.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah reported that 11 ships were detained by Saudi coalition at the shores of the Red Sea.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Due to bombing Soq al-Raqu, Munbah district, Saadah province by the Saudi coalition, 17 people including five Yemenis and 12 African immigrants martyred and some others wounded.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah shot down a spy drone belonging to Saudi coalition over Marba’ Shabaka, north of Saadah.
ISWNews Analysis Group: 12 organizations were forced to suspend aid programs in Al Dhale’e province following a series of attacks on 21 & 22 December.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Mr. Zarif, Iran’s FM, met with Muhammad Abdul Salam, Ansar Allah’s spokesperson and chief negotiator in Muscat, Oman’s capital.
ISWNews Analysis Group: According to local sources, Ansar Allah forces after a period of guerilla warfare and hit and run attacks in heights of Khab and Shaaf districts could reclaim Wadi Salba and Sahla.
ISWNews Analysis Group: During the recent Ansar Allah clashes in Saadah and Marib fronts, several Mansour Hadi forces senior commanders were killed.
ISWNews Analysis Group: Yesterday, Ibrahim Mohammed al-Deilami the ambassador of Yemen’s National Salvation Government met Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami.
Al-Hudaydah: – The Saudi coalition hit the Al-Jabalia area with 12 rockets and the Al-Faza with 5 rockets.– Saudi coalition forces bombarded different areas such as Al-Jahah Al-Aali and Al-Shajen in Durayhimi and Hays districts.– One of the Durayhimi residents’ house went on fire as the result of the Saudi coalition bombardment.– Saudi Coalition bulldozers […]
ISWNews Analysis Group: According to local sources several explosions blasted Dhale town in south of Yemen.