News - Islamic World News

Sunday 8 December 2019 - 12:36

Opinion: Defensive Missile; Iran’s Strategy

The news of detention of Iran’s boat containing missiles in the Red Sea in addition to three European countries ambassadors sending a letter to UN Secretary are signs of a new make up story against Iran by the West.

Saturday 7 December 2019 - 22:32

Last Night Incidents in Iraq + Footage

“Know that US today’s sanctions on Iraqi figures close to Iran and discovering missiles ready aiming at Baghdad are not irrelevant to the big project of increasing the tension of western countries for political future of Iraq. The anger is due to popularity of Marja in Iraq and his leadership and influence on people’s protests, […]

Saturday 7 December 2019 - 22:12

LNA Warplane Shot Down by GNA

ISWNews Analysis Group: Government of National Accord (GNA) forces shot down Libyan National Army’s (LNA) Mig-23 warplane over Zawiyah town.

Saturday 7 December 2019 - 11:51

Who Is Performing Assassination in Aden?

Mansour Hadi’s resigned government and some media close to Saudi coalition pointing at southern forces for the assassinations. They accuse Hani Ben Brek as the mastermind behind it.