West Asia - Islamic World News

Thursday 19 December 2019 - 11:08

Yemen: Repelling Saudi Coalition Attacks on Jawf Front

According to field sources of IWN, Ansar Allah has completely thwarted the recent Saudi-led coalition operation in al-Jawf province. Also the areas and heights that Ansar Allah had tactically withdrawn have been fully recaptured.

Tuesday 17 December 2019 - 22:59

Video: How Many Saudi coalition aircraft were shot down in Yemen?

Saudi Arabia started the aggression on Yemen since 2015 under title of “Operation Decisive Storm”. The operation is continuing under “Operation Restoring Hope” with a coalition of Arabic countries. But the results of the war did not turn out as Saudi Arabia predicted! Most see! Download

Tuesday 17 December 2019 - 09:26

Fayez al-Sarraj re-visits Erdogan

ISWNews Analysis Group: Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and head of GNA, Fayez al-Sarraj met with Turkish President Erdogan in Istanbul again.

Monday 16 December 2019 - 13:41

Article: The scenario of the Popular Mobilization Forces (Al-Hashd Ash-Sha’bi) extirpating, Part 1

Why do they want to extirpate the Popular Mobilization Forces? From the very beginning of the formation of the Popular Mobilization Forces until now, especially after the defeat of the ISIS terrorist forces, there have been numerous overt and covert attempts to dissolve and remove the Popular Mobilization Forces organization in Iraq. These efforts are […]

Sunday 15 December 2019 - 12:46

Opinion: Iraq Caught Up in Cognitive Warfare; What Can Be Done

What Iraq suffering today is rooted in the transformation of people’s intellectual foundations, which they have long engaged in a new kind of war that aims to change the power of people’s understanding. Cognitive warfare is the West’s most important approach to destroying the axis of resistance, and of course, it’s the least expensive, but what is this warfare, and what is the counter-strategy?