West Asia - Islamic World News

Monday 16 September 2019 - 09:42

Latest Updates on Yemen, 15 September 2019

1. Hajjah: – According to Ansar Allah media, AnsarAllah’s drone-artillery joint operation in Hayran and Ahem triangle imposed more than 30 dead and injured casualties to Saudi-led forces. – Ansar Allah fired 2 Zelzal-1 missiles at Hayran area.   2. Saadah: Saudi Coalition fighters attacked different parts of Saadah province 8 times.   3. Latest […]

Sunday 15 September 2019 - 21:12

Latest Updates on Syria; 15 September 2019

ISWNews Analysis Group: The opening of the AlBukamal-AlQaim border crossing is still delayed and no exact date has been set. The opening was stopped after Israeli air strikes on the area.

Sunday 15 September 2019 - 19:43

Saudi Oil Facilities Are Still On Fire

ISWNews Analysis Group: NASA satellite images of eastern Saudi Arabia on September 15, show that the fire was contained in the Abqaiq refinery, but four other sites south of Abqaiq are still burning.