West Asia - Islamic World News

Saturday 24 August 2019 - 11:18

Will Jaish Al Izzah Be Dissolved?

ISWNews Analysis Group: After terrorists’ humiliating defeats in north of Hama and south of Idlib, now there are news of dissolution of some of these groups.

Friday 23 August 2019 - 23:08

Grand Ayatollah Al Haeri: It is “Haram” for US to remain in Iraq.

Grand Ayatollah Kazem Husseini Haeri, a prominent Twelver Shi’a Marja in Iraq, regarding the attacks on PMU’s bases said: “Remaining of US troops in Iraq by whatever name, such as training, military consulting or counterterrorism that they themselves originate, is a religious prohibition”

Friday 23 August 2019 - 22:32

Latest Updates on Palestine 23 August 2019

1. In an operation by Palestinian Resistance in west of Ramallah, a Zionist was killed and two other injured. This attack was done by throwing a hand made bomb toward Zionist vehicle.   2. Firing 2 missiles toward Zionist town of Shar Hangif from Gaza. According to Israeli sources the rockets hit the open areas. […]