Syria - Islamic World News

Friday 7 June 2019 - 08:35

Latest Military Situation in Northwest Hama; Map

ISWNews Analysis Group: From Thursday evening, different militia groups launched a new offensive in northwest of Hama against Syrian Army’s positions and in early hours of the operation could capture villages Jubain, Tal Malah and Kafr Houd.

Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 23:08

Naked Terrorism in Syria! Jaish al Izza

Interesting point is that Jaish al Izza forces are not concealing their relationship with al Qaeda and al Qaeda patches (ISIS uses too) are seen on their arms…

Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 22:42

ISIS returned to Daraa!

ISIS media released a statement announcing the targeting of a Syrian Army vehicle along the path between the Namer and Kharbat Ghazalah.

Monday 3 June 2019 - 22:22

Syrian Army took complete control of village Qasabiyah.

With liberation of the village, Kafr Nabuda town from north is secured up to a high extent and also militia’s logistic line in Hobit area is weaker than before. Qasabiyah has a good outlook over surrounding area.   Interactive map