Yemen - Islamic World News

Saturday 26 October 2019 - 23:45

Abdul-Salam’s Trip Again to Iran

ISWNews Analysis Group: Mohammad Abdul-Salam, spokesperson and chief negotiator of Ansar Allah, visited Iran and met Iran’s FM.

Friday 25 October 2019 - 21:06

STC Separatists agreement with Mansour Hadi

ISWNews Analysis Group: Some coalition sources claimed that the Yemeni Southern Transitional Council had agreed to divide the government and deliver the city of Aden to the Hadi forces.

Thursday 24 October 2019 - 23:25

Map: Deployment of UN forces in Al-Hudaydah city

ISWNews Analysis Group: The United Nations forces establishing 5 new observation posts inside the city of al-Hudaydah to protect and maintaining the ceasefire based on the Stockholm agreement.

Monday 21 October 2019 - 18:08

Another Major Move by Ansar Allah in Northwest of Yemen

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to local sources, Ansar Allah could reclaim Samud mountain, Al-Batul, Hutaymi, Mutjarif, Qamamah, boyut Jilan, Malahit, Sabah, Mobile, Tappa Abu Ali, Qayadah, Shabakah, Zuwayb crossroad, Dhahr al-Hamar, Safiyah and Tahliyah from Saudi coalition in north of Hajjah and Saadah fronts.