Caesar Act - Islamic World News

Tuesday 20 April 2021 - 18:25

Russian Navy protects Iranian oil tankers

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to an agreement reached between Iran, Syria and Russia, the Russian fleet will protect Iranian oil ships and tankers in the Mediterranean Sea.

Wednesday 8 July 2020 - 17:31

New military agreement between Iran and Syria

ISWNews Analysis Group: Iran will consolidate military relations with Syria, including enforcing and developing the Syrian air defenses in the face of Israeli strikes, as part of a “comprehensive” military agreement signed Wednesday between Iran and Syria in Syrian capital Damascus.

Tuesday 23 June 2020 - 22:17

Opinion: US. trying to defeat Syria’s resistance; this time from reconstruction

Imposing Caesar act sanctions on Syria reconstruction, US follows two main goals: Overthrowing Bashar Assad by preventing the reconstruction and increasing people’s unsatisfaction and protests and on the other hand preventing the full cleanse of Syria from terrorists specially in Idlib and Kurdish controlled lands in which US is exploiting Syria’s oil.